I have a habit of singing songs and reciting Nursery Rhymes to my kids while changing them, bathing them and cuddling with them. I will even admit to making up my own lyrics once in a while. In return I am rewarded with smiles, humming and requests for more.
Here is the one I recited most often to Tyler and now recite to Molly.
“One, two, buckle my shoe.
Three, four, shut the door.
Five, six, pick up sticks.
Seven, eight, lay them straight.
Nine, ten, a big fat hen.”
The other day, Tyler asked if we could do the one, two, poem. “You do the first part and I will do the second part. Okay, Mommy?” It sounded good to me and obviously to Molly because she clapped her hands. Much to my surprise and then amusement, here is what happened.
“One, two, buckle my … shoe.
Three, four, shut the … door.
Five, six, pick up … the toys on the floor.
Seven, eight, lay … my head down.
Nine, ten, a big … fat dog!”
All I can say is that some of the lessons Todd and I are trying to teach our kids are working. Always pick up your toys and at the end of the day, lay your head down and go to sleep.
The true confession of the night – I didn’t correct Tyler or laugh at him. I actually like his version and can’t wait for Molly’s version.
Tyler's version is wonderful - can't wait for more!! Love, Me