Thursday, October 24, 2013

My Kids Do Love the Red Sox

I have been a Red Sox fan for almost 40 years. I remember where I was when the ball slipped through Bill Buckner’s legs during Game 6 of the 1986 World Series, I get chills when I see the Citgo sign, I know all the words to Sweet Caroline and I screamed when the curse was lifted in 2004. I was fortunate to go to college in Boston, spending many afternoons and evenings in certain famous bleachers eating Fenway Franks. On a breezy night, with my dorm room window open, I could even hear an inning or two being announced from Fenway Park.
Fast forward quite a bit. Now I am raising two Red Sox fans (7 and 3 ½) in Huntersville, North Carolina. They both have Red Sox shirts, hats, lunchboxes and foam beards, thanks to Grandma and Grandpa. Tyler also has a jacket, blanket and bag. Molly has a dress and actual dirt from Fenway Park. Of course in the past couple of weeks, bed times have been relaxed a tad in our house when the Red Sox are on TV.
We were lucky enough to take the kids to Fenway Park in June. I will never forget the wonder in their eyes or the eyes of their grandparents when our team took the field. It was pretty cool to have three generations together in Fenway Park.
With all this said, there have been two times so far this season, when I have had to shake my head at Tyler and Molly and ask them what they were thinking.
Before taking Tyler to faith formation this week, I asked him to change his clothes while I made him something to eat. I was on the phone with his dad, when he entered the kitchen, spread his arms open and said, “Well, how do I look?” I yelled, “Are you kidding me?” while almost dropping the phone. He had a Cardinals shirt on. One day before the first game of the World Serious (as he calls it) and he’s wearing a Cardinals shirt! He said, “What, you don’t like the color?” I said, “The color isn’t the problem,” as I quickly explained to Todd what the commotion was. Todd said, “Make him take it off, he is jinxing Big Pappi!” Tyler is a cooperative boy, so he took it off, ate his dinner and let me pick out another shirt for him. He said nothing else, but kept a smirk on his face.
Now, let’s go back to the game against the Los Angeles Angels. We had great seats on the third baseline and the crowd was friendly, just as you would expect. Molly had her new tie-dyed Red Sox shirt on and a pink Red Sox hat (the only think pink she owns). Her curly hair was flowing in the wind and her smile was contagious. She loved Fenway Park and was making friends with the people around her, taking peanuts from the guy behind her and high-fiving the guy next to her. Then the unthinkable happened. She stood up, looked around to make sure she had everyone’s attention and yelled, “Let’s go Yankees!” I am pretty sure Fenway Park came to a standstill or at least our section of seats. Did my three year-old just say the “Y word” in Fenway Park? Luckily she started to laugh, breaking the tension. She sat down, with a smile on her face and said, “I mean, let’s go Red Sox!”
I am sorry Red Sox. My kids love you, but they also love keeping us on our toes and making us laugh. They really weren’t jinxing you and they hope to visit Fenway Park again next summer! They are even hosting a World Series party Saturday night.
True confession of the day: My kids have discovered the gift of sarcasm at a young age.

Monday, April 22, 2013

An Integral Part of Our Village

Dear Mrs. Anderson,

Over the past six and a half years, I have come to realize that it does truly take a village to raise a child. I thank you for being an integral part of the village raising Tyler this year. He is such a special little boy, with bright eyes and a smile that can light up the room. Since August his eyes have been brighter and his smile larger when he talks about Torrence Creek, kindergarten and you, his Mrs. Anderson. Thank you!

We have seen him grow so much over the course of this school year. I could hardly contain my excitement the other day when he read me all 63 pages of Green Eggs and Ham. There was no hesitation in his voice; instead there was a sense of confidence and accomplishment. Thank you!

His job today while we were doing yard work was to empty the grass clippings into the barrel. When we were finished he showed off his math skills announcing that if I paid him $10 each time he emptied the grass, I would owe him $50. He was sure of this because he knew how to count by 10s. Thank you!

Tyler has also been expressing himself more in his words and actions since becoming a love bug. We have gotten quite a kick out of his writing assignments and I am sure you sleep better at night knowing who all of the Howe’s favorite NACAR drivers are. Please don’t worry, I asked him to write about something else this week. He is much better at sharing about what he is learning at the dinner table now too. Thank you!

Tyler is such a sports fan. He can’t walk past a ball without picking it up. We so appreciate you taking an interest in Tyler the athlete. It meant so much to him and us when we saw you on the sidelines at his soccer game. The example you set that day has led him to be a better teammate and athlete. Thank you!

We are so grateful that Tyler was assigned to your kindergarten class. I will admit that we were nervous about him going to kindergarten, as we were not sure what to expect. Those feelings vanished after we met you and we saw how excited he was. We appreciate the time and energy you have invested in making sure Tyler succeeds academically, socially and personally. You have encouraged him when he needed it, pushed him when he needed it and loved him every day. Thank you!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being part of our village, no make that our family this year!

Friday, February 8, 2013

My Mother's Hands

I looked down the other day and saw my mother’s hands. They were a bit chapped from the cold winter   weather, the finger nails had a few jagged edges and there were some new freckles and wrinkles.

Yet, these hands rocked me as an infant, helped me cross the street (after looking both ways) on the walk to school, and tied my shoes, over and over again.

These hands clapped the loudest at my dance recital, wrote funny notes on my lunch napkins and squeezed me tight during the Lord’s Prayer in church.

These hands baked chocolate chip cookies (with an extra dash of love), braided my hair and pulled the seatbelt tighter when I was learning to drive.

These hands wiped tears from her eyes the first time she caught a glimpse of me in my wedding dress, showed me how to bath my own babies and pick up the phone to find out what is happening in North Carolina.

These imperfect hands have left a perfectly loving impression on me, as these are my mother’s hands.

I looked down the other day and saw my mother’s hands. The funny, yet scary thing was that my mother’s hands were attached to my arms.

I can only hope that someday Molly looks down and sees my hands.

True confession of the day:  I wish my mom lived closer today!